Studio Mitsui is our Beit Midrash — our “House of Learning” —
for Jewish Embodiment.

Studio is where we learn, connect, and practice.

What is Studio Mitsui?

Studio Mitsui is our brand new platform — currently in construction — designed and built to support individual people (like you!) in cultivating and sustaining a practice of Jewish embodiment for personal and collective wellbeing.

Studio practice revolves primarily on the Mitsui Method — our evolving system of Jewish embodiment that blends ancient Jewish wisdom with modern knowledge and learning pedagogies. [Read more about Mitsui Method here]

We integrate movement, breathwork, contemplative practice, and more in alignment with the nature-based cycles of the Jewish calendar. Our work is counter-oppressive at our core. We strive to be an inclusive and welcoming space supporting every-body in our physical and spiritual sustenance and nourishment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Studio Mitsui provides pathways towards holistic Jewish learning and practice where continual self-discovery and formation, whole-body wellness, healing connection, and freedom of expression are integral parts of Jewish identity, community, and culture. We integrate Jewish wisdom and frameworks with innovative, contemporary, trauma-informed and culturally expansive approaches to increase physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

  • The studio plays a key role as the both literal and metaphorical space for embodied practice. Through studio practice we narrow and simplify the variables at play so that we observe, work with, and develop specific skills in ways that are more difficult in the messy and complex reality of day to day life. In Studio Mitsui, the learning is particularly multilayered. On the surface, we are engaged in primarily physical tasks and activities. We are also, however, practicing the application and expression of core Jewish values that strengthen both our individual and collective capacity to build and sustain the communities of belonging that are so deeply needed in this modern world — our capacities to build trust, strengthen relationships, work with empathy, and be  present; and to recognize, interrupt, and ultimately to dismantle the systems of oppression that play out across our communities. We practice in the studio to cultivate these skillsets in such a manner that over time they become part of our deeply ingrained ways of being — i.e. our embodiment — so that our actions and behaviors can more fully align with our intentions. 

  • Studio programming is based primarily on the Mitsui Method — our evolving system of Jewish embodiment that blends ancient Jewish wisdom with modern knowledge and learning pedagogies. Read more about Mitsui Method here.

    In Studio sessions, you can expect a blend of movement, breathwork, and contemplative practice, and community connection rooted in Jewish wisdom, culture, and values. We program in alignment with the nature-based cycles of the Jewish calendar — working, for example, with the balance of active creative work and nourishing rest found in the Shabbat and Shmita cycles, the ebb and flow of the moon cycle, and the underlying energies of the seasons.

    We offer a dual curriculum of complementary classes that align closely with the fractal cycles of the human nervous system, cycles of nature, and cycles of spiritual experience. NimratzInvigorate is grounded in the highly active, rigorous, and creatively intensive period of the high-energy warm months (that's the engaged sympathetic system for the nervous system geeks among us). Nimratz combines strengthwork, mobility, coordination, rhythm, and power. Nashuv — Restore roots in restorative practice connecting with the underground re-energizing nature of the cold months (the parasympathetic state). Nashuv emphasizes gentle meditative movement, stillness, and quiet contemplation. All of our programs include embodied chevruta partner learning, tzurot forms practice, and other aspects of Mitsui Method.

    We strive to be an inclusive and welcoming space where every-body feels a sense of belonging, support, and ownership. Programming includes options and modifications for a wide range of access and ability. Please contact us with specific questions and accessibility needs.

  • Studio Mitsui will be located both online and in-person through local studios.

    We are currently building infrastructure for:

    • Our online platform — open to anyone with a high speed internet connection and access to some space to move;

    • Pilot local studio in the Cleveland, OH area;

    We are also developing partnerships with communities across the US. If you're interested in bringing Studi Mitsui to your community, please get in touch via the form below!

  • Studio Mitsui is still in design-build mode! We expect that both our local studios and online studio will have drop-in class options and full membership options at a range of accessible and supporting price points.

    To stay in touch please fill out the contact form below!

More Questions?

Read on for more on how to get involved as we build out our new Studio branch and get in touch! We’d love to hear from you.

Ready to get involved?
We are looking for:

  • Studio Members!

    Keep an eye out soon for opportunities to try out Mitsui Method and get into practice both online and in our pilot communities.

  • Studio Teachers

    Are you an experienced embodiment teacher, facilitator, community builder, and/or Jewish educator? We'll be launching opportunities soon for training programs, apprenticeships, and more so you can start your journey with our holistic system of Jewish embodiment.

  • Community Partners

    Interested in bringing Studio Mitsui to your community? We are looking for values-aligned partners across the US with diverse and engaged communities, available program space and resource networks.

  • Funders

    While over time our membership model will bring us towards a sustainable non-profit income model, we are in need of seed funding to launch our online platforms and local studios, and ongoing funding to subsidize membership and involvement so that economic access to our work is never a barrier.

Ready to join or support Studio Mitsui?

We’re so excited to hear from you.
Please fill out this brief form so we can get in touch.