Research & Resources

Research from the Mitsui Institute

Interwoven Oppressions

Unraveling the impacts of racism and antisemitism as dual vectors of trauma for Jews of Color at the intersection of the body.

Being both Jewish and people of color, Jews of Color are dually impacted by racism and antisemitism as interwoven vectors of trauma. Yet no known prior research has studied the unique ways in which Jews of Color experience and are impacted by them together. 

The primary objective of this project — led by an all-JOC team of researchers, educators, and community organizers through the Mitsui Institute — is therefore to increase our collective knowledge and understanding of racism and antisemitism as intersectional impact forces on Jewish bodies — especially but not limited to Jews of Color. Using an innovative mixed methods approach, we generated a preliminary sampling of how JOC are impacted in their bodies by both racism and antisemitism. This research opens important further avenues for research and application in the context of embodied healing and wellness for people of all identities impacted by these oppressive forces.

Interwoven Oppressions

Research Highlights & Summary

Interwoven Oppressions

Full Research Report

Resources for Learning & Practice

7 Embodied Jewish
Practices for Centering

Centering is an embodied practice that helps us feel more aware of what is happening in and around our bodies, where we are in space and time, and what choices we have available to navigate this complexity.

15 Embodied Jewish Ways to Express Your Love

We often reference the concept of na'aseh v'nishmah — "we will do, and we will understand." In this case, embracing and acting with love, even or especially when it feels difficult, helps us not only to better understand what love is about, but to also practice it and get better at. So that's what this guide is about.

Reflecting Resilience: An Embodied Guide to Hanukkah

Reflecting Resilience is Mitsui Collective’s guide to bringing embodiment more deeply into your Hanukkah practice. Each night, we showcase artistic and reflective offerings from our friends on themes relating to embodied wisdom and experience, along with an embodied practice and reflection prompt to try out.

Land Acknowledgements Through a Jewish Lens

As Jews / folks in relationship to Jewish community we have an ancient and complex relationship to land, indigeneity, and diaspora. Our tradition therefore compels us to acknowledge all indigenous peoples who have been and continue to live and exist in relationship to the lands where we currently dwell.

This guide is adapted from the land acknowledgement created for Bend the Arc’s Pursuing Justice 2020 conference, planned and led by Koach Baruch Frazier, Samia Mansour, and Yoshi Silverstein.

Two options are available for download — one with Hashem / G-d’s name abbreviated; the other with it written out in the traditional form.

10 Embodied Practices for Cultivating Awe During the High Holidays

What is our own experience of awe? For us here at Mitsui Collective, it’s a full-body experience. We wrote up this simple guide for cultivating awe during the High Holiday season from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur — AKA, The Days of Awe. We invite you to try out the simple practices.